Cloud Security

Cloud Security

According to a survey, only 35 percent of organizations report they have fully achieved their expected outcomes from cloud and 65 percent identify “security and compliance risk” as the most frequent barrier. While cloud offers new opportunities to modernize services and transform operations, security and compliance risk remains the greatest barrier to cloud adoption.

Our cloud security services include cloud infrastructure, applications and corporate network interaction. These follow the Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Identify weak points in your Cloud configurations and posture before an attacker does.

We provide assessment of your security controls and verify whether you are secured on the cloud. We will assist you in taking appropriate steps to make sure you are more secure.

The steps includes:





Tensecure’s Cloud Security Posture Assessment (CSPA) automates the assessment of your cloud environment against the security and compliance best practices, and provides a single panel dashboard view of your cloud risk posture. With Tensecure CSPA, organizations can reduce the operational complexity through a centralized security solution for all cloud services and infrastructure, prevent cloud misconfigurations that can lead to data loss and enable consistent compliance standards across multiple cloud subscriptions.

With Tensecure’s Cyber Security Posture Assessment organizations can:

Monitor and auto-correct misconfigured SaaS services and cloud workloads.

Enforce compliance and industry standards (CIS, NIST, HIPPA, PCI DSS etc)

Detect new services and servers in IaaS environments

Detect new services and servers in IaaS environments